Friday, November 12, 2004

Itching to get …somewhere..

I have a number of projects on the go right now and for all of them I am in “hurry up and wait” mode.

Roben, Etan and I are putting together a fundraiser for Mrs K. We have a lot of cool ideas in the works and we are trying to get in contact with Loreena McKennitt and see if she will play at the fundraiser. A letter has been sent out to a mutual friend of Mrs. K. and Loreena and now … we are waiting for a response.

The unholy trinity has decided to get together and discuss the fundraiser. We have been niggling back and forth about a date. A difficult thing when we are all so busy.

In the process of doing this I have discovered I am a woman of action. I like getting things done, making progress getting stuff booked. I have no patience at all for waiting, as I am doing now, for Mrs K’s friend to get to me. For Roben and Etan to pick a day to meet.


Thank you, I feel much better now.


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