Sunday, May 29, 2005

Honesty - Honestly!

I have never been a good liar. That was probably a major factor in why I was never a good sales person.

I really don’t believe in secrets and lies – They come and bite you in the ass eventually. I don’t believe that I am some weirdly totally honest person. I do believe in the fine art of withholding information. – Something that I probably don’t engage in as often as I should. But I am confounded by people who lie. Truth has always been terribly important to me. (-Hell the Japanese character for “Truth” has been permanently tattooed in to my skin.)

I seem to sniff out compulsive liars. An old boss Allen, who told me, among other tall tails that he lived with “roommates”. REALITY: He lived with his mother, who frequently called the store asking when her Son would be home and bemoaning the state of his room.

He told me He used to own a large photo studio with a staff of 15 working under him. REALITY: I ran in to an old collage chum of his who confirmed that Allen went to work for Blacks right after collage.

He told me he had gotten a customer service complaint about me that the regional manager had spoken to him about. REALITY: I spoke to the regional manager – there was no such customer service complaint.

There are more, but you get the picture.

In the past year I have caught someone I know in a series of small stupid lies. I don’t know why they are doing this. The lies seem pointless. Igal thinks that they are some sort of strange social lubricant. Something to smooth over patches of conversation that this person wants to avoid. I wonder if this person thinks I am a so naïve is to fall for this stuff?

Am I totally out of whack here or is it just too damn much to ask that people just tell the truth?


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