Thursday, January 18, 2007

The continued adventures of job hunting Woman…

Igal and I had dinner Tuesday night with our friend/Chiropractor/Acupuncturist Chris, and his shmoopie Albert. It is always very cool to get together with Chris and Albert, they are genuinely nice, funny, appear to be as adventurous eaters as Igal and I are, and they make a really cute couple.

I wanted to pick Chris’s brain about what he knew about Massage Therapy, (He has a number of friends who practice) and what colleges were good to go to, ect. The picture that Chris painted was not completely dire, but not really great either. He described Toronto as having a “glut” of Massage Therapists, and that working for some one else, or in a co-operative office had its problems. The best way of working in the field was hanging up your own shingle and going for it. The problem with this of course, is trying to develop a client base. He told me that if I was going in to Massage Therapy for financial reasons alone it was not a good plan. It had to be something that I felt called to do, and I had to be prepared to struggle for the first little while.

I have to admit what I wanted to hear was that it was a freaking great field and I would be making money hand-over-fist within months of graduating. Its not that I don’t feel some calling to this work, I do – I would not consider it otherwise. But I am tired of struggling. I am tired of not holding up my end of the mortgage, not having the occasional splurge money, and not being certain.

I am doubting my self. I have toyed seriously with quite a few carriers in my life. In high School I wanted to act. In university I wanted to be in Theatre Production. While I spent 10 years in Photo Retail Hell I wanted to be a photographer. When I got kicked out of Photo Retail hell I went to school (For 16 weeks) to be a web/print designer. (I got a job doing that and ran screaming in the night away from it.) Most recently, I have toyed with volunteer management. But really what I wanted to do was be a client services coordinator for palliative care.

After the failed interview with Hospice Toronto the shine has gone out of Volunteer Management. And truth be known I have applied to quite a few jobs and have gotten almost no interviews.

Now I am looking at Massage.

And I am afraid.

Afraid that I’ll spend a whole wack of time and money on a course and deicide that - I hate it – Its to Difficult – It doesn’t Pay enough…

And I am afraid.

Afraid that this is “The Job” that will pay me enough to get by comfortably, give me the flexible hours I want and most importantly feed my soul… and I may walk away from it.
So I don’t know what to do.

But yesterday I had a perfectly horrible day at work, and it reminded me that what ever I do. I can’t stay here.

There is no pressing urgency to making a decision in this. The next course does not start until September of 2007 or January of 2008.

So the plan for now is more research. Talk to some friends of Chris who are massage therapists and take the “intro to massage course”.

For now I am deciding to not dicide.




Blogger Cookie The Viking said...

Deciding not to decide is sometimes a really brave choice. We're plague monkeys right now, but once healed coffee? Love you lady!

2:09 PM  

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