Sunday, November 02, 2008

Days of the Dead

Its that time of year again, when the pagans and the Mexicans acknowledge those who have passed before us. This year feels strange.

Some months ago a woman I was once very close to died. I had not been in touch with her for a very long time. When found out that she had died I felt very badly that I had lost contact with her. It took me some time to remember that I had parted company with her for some very good reasons, and when I had tried to reconnect with her, she never picked up the ball. Still... it felt very strange to be at her funeral knowing that the last time we had seen each other we weren't exactly on good terms.

My very good friend Stephanie Lang, reminded me just before the funeral that "d" had been "Prickly" and she was quite certain that I was not the only one attending the funeral that felt oddly about the whole thing.

So here we are in the days when the pagans feel that the veils between the two worlds are at there thinnest and if we invite them, the dead will join us for a short time.

What do I say to "d"?

I don't know if you can hear this, but I do wish that things had worked out differently, that we hadn't hurt each other so much that we had to run away from each other. You didn't have an easy life, I hope that you found some peace and some happiness, if not during your life time, then certainly now in your afterlife.

And now in this strange in between time, I find myself standing in between life and death.

This morning we got a phone call from the Haggis's parents. One of the relatives in Montreal is very ill and has very little time to live. His family is on death watch as I type. Across the Provence a couple that we dearly love awaits the birth of there second child.

It's an odd sort of balance.



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