Sunday, October 02, 2005

Team Luba Runs Again!

This years “Run for the Cure” came together at the last minute. Up until Saturday I was not completely certain I was going to run. I have been nursing a bit of a head cold and this week the whole diet and exercise thing whent right out the window. Yesterday was a particularly awful eating day. I had a hot dog and chocolate cake for lunch, and when we went to Ross and Roben’s place I was not at all hungry for the healthy spread that they put on. (But of course accepted the ice cream sandwich that they offered for dessert). And (of course!) was hungry once we got to the movie theatre were the only option was more junk food.


But this morning I ate deacently both before and after the race.

We met up with Luba her father Igor, Luba’s daughter Anna, and Anna’s boyfriend Steve. I didn’t know so many people would be coming or I would have tried to organize a team this year. I feel bad because Roben did not come out to walk this year because she did not have any one to walk with. Shit. If I had known that we would have so many walkers I would have told her to come out.

Next year I’ll have my shit together Roben, Honest!

I managed to run the whole course non stop and did it in (what was for me) a blazing time of 35min and 35 seconds. I am so pleased.

Igal managed to zoom under the finish line in 25 min and change. Awesome!!!

I love doing this run every year. It’s not just the race, the atmosphere is a carnival. I saw a few women dressed with sparkly bra’s on the out side of there run t shirts, an entire team with dyed pink hair, pink feather boas galore, doggies wearing pink bandanas around there necks and everywhere people with little signs safety pined to them saying “I’m running for…” and the name of a loved one hand written on the sign.

I’m running for My sister
I’m running for Grammy
I’m running for Me!
I’m running for my Mommy who’s in heaven.

Dear god, that last one really got me.

I ran for Luba and in memory of Menya.

I can’t believe I managed to do it without stopping. I found Igal after the race and gave him a huge hug and cried like a baby. Gods I’m such a wuss. Imagine how much I’m going to bawl when I manage to run my first non stop 10k.

I’m Looking forward to it.

Notes to self for next year:
Organize “registration party” for August.
Have post race bagels and cream cheese brunch party at our house.


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