Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Logic VS: Reptilian Brain

I wonder if I am the only one who suffers from this malady.

I can look at an event in my life and understand logically that it should have no emotional impact on me. But despite all my reasoning there is a non-logical deeply emotional piece of my head that tortures me over these small stupid things.

Last weekend I found out that xxxx and xxxxxx are angry at me for yet another perceived slight. The perceived slight was not intended, and was somewhat unavoidable. I should not let this information bother me. These people have been coming up with all sorts of reasons to be unhappy with me. At this point I really should not give a crap.

Why why why do I feel so horrible.
It’s not guilt over what happened, it’s that xxxx and xxxxxx don’t like me. Why should I care? Why?


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