Monday, September 17, 2007

Trials By Fire

So I am two weeks in to school now. All is going well, I am up to date on my reading, the one quiz I have had went well (80%) and thus far all looks good.

Of course as an added bonus to going to school I have received (free of charge!) my annual (TM)COLD FROM HELL. This started the day before school with a sore throat and bloomed into a hacking omnipresent irritating cough. I get this cough every year. (never at the same time of year so I'm fairly certain its not allergies.) It is irritating and annoying and lasts a good solid six weeks, but I never get a fever and so it seems useless to go to the doctor.

This weekend I felt so crummy that I turned down dinner at my parents place. (Dinner were someone else does the dishes!) and I got the haggis to bring me to a walk in clinic on Sunday when I found I was having trouble catching my breath in between bouts of coughing. The walk-in clinic DR, handed me two prescriptions, One for a standard inhaler (salbutamol) and another inhaler (flovent) which is a steroid. asked the DR. if my lungs sounded wheezy and he said no, but the inhalers would help with the cough.

I am frankly not turned on but the concept of inhaling steroids so I have put that one aside for now. -Thank goodness tomorrow I have a day off and I can see my family Dr for her opinion on all of this.

Oh, and the Salbutamol?

Drugs are good, mmm'kay?

I am taking less than half the dosage that I am allowed and I can get through hours with out hacking!

So while school is good and I am keeping up, it has not been an ideal two weeks. This cough usually lasts for about six weeks... so I should shake it off just in time for oh... MIDTERMS!

But alas I am not the only one suffering right now. Some changes have hit the haggis's place of work.. Changes that we saw coming for quite some time and the Haggis has been given what amounts to a demotion. (same pay - More crap)

Haggis is suitably unimpressed with the situation.

If I had money to burn lawyers might have been called.

Le sigh.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know a lot about steroids and the nasty things they can do to you - but flovent is so low-dosage that it's not worth worrying about it. I took it for a couple of years with no problems.

4:34 PM  
Blogger Cookie The Viking said...

Both Ross and I have had good experiences with the flovent, highly recommend it. That and the weird syrupy cough meds from china town. Want some? Don't know what's in it, just works.
As for Haggis...yeowch. Please let us know if there's anything we can do for the stress...dishes, resume help, random attacks with arming sword...

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Tiger! Just when *I* started recovering from my sinus infection!
Hey...make sure you inhale those things for now and get better soon, you want to be in good shape for our next mercury retrograde...Yep! It's dat time again. Starting October 13th....just in time for my B'day!!
Hey, does that mean that my AGE will retro???? yaaahooo!!!!!!!

12:22 PM  

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