Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Is it just me?

Or have people in general turned in to assholes?
I don't know if I'm in a crabby mood because I have no hot water, or because the general world had turned in to a bunch of fuck-tards.

Case in point this morning on the bus on the way to school. A surly looking young man got on to the back of the bus, pulled out his cell phone and proceeded to the built-in music player like some sort of microscopic boom-box. The thing has got itty bitty little useless speakers, so not only do I get bombarded with his god-awful Rap-Crap music, but I get bombarded with God-awful Rap-Crap with shitty sound.

This is not the first time I have experienced this.

Other public offenses that have irritated my of late?

Sniffers. -You know these people. they have a cold but cant be bothered to a bring Kleenex with them, the only thing worse than these people are the snorkers. They have the same problem, but they manage to make disgusting noises as they snork there mucus to the back of there throat's and swallow it.


People who sneeze and cough in public and make no effort to cover there noses or mouths.

Oh there is so much more to this but I have to go to class now.



Blogger Pete Bevin said...

I don't have anything useful to say, but I love the word "snork" there...

9:47 AM  

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