Monday, February 27, 2006

Shitty Day

I checked my bank account this morning to discover I was over drawn by over $250.00. This is due to some paper work fuckup between HRDC and the Job creation program that I was hired under. I’m sure it will all work out in the end but in the mean time I am in the hole and haven’t coughed up my half of mortgage for this month.

In my efforts to fix said paper work fuckup I was treated to a sarcastic fucker of a HRDC asshole who told me “Its not my problem” In as polite a manner as I could I said,
“I don’t care for your sarcastic tone of voice. I was given your name and number by the gentleman at the information line, HE told me it WAS your problem, and if it is not then kindly direct me to whose problem it is.”

Suddenly HARDC fucker’s tone of voice changed and I was politely directed elsewhere. I think this fiasco is on its way to being solved, but there will be more hoop jumping tomorrow.


As if that was not enough two of the three other phone calls I made today were greeted by short clipped responses. What the fuck happened to being polite? I know I’m not the only one having a bad day, but hey, when I got off the phone with fucker one and fucker two I took a deep breath planted a smile on my face and proceeded to be polite to fucker three.

Dear World: I am not your personal punching bag.

If your having a bad day don’t call me until you’ve been here first.


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