Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Because we don’t have enough fucking uncertainty in our lives….

This afternoon after an “Oh God!” Thirty in the morning shift and my volunteer shift I came home and did a face-plant in the bed. Less than half an hour in to my snooze the Haggis came home.

“How was your day?” I asked groggily.

“It was …. a day” The haggis said.

I snapped awake.

Apparently the Haggis’s boss gave his notice.

Why does this make me and the Haggis shit bricks?

The company that hubby works for is apparently run by a bunch of moron crack heads, who are currently engaged in a lets-see-who-flinches-first Mexican stand off. This is all well and good, except that while they are doing it, no one is acquiring new business.

The Haggis estimates that if things continue the way they are going right now he might have two, possibly three years at best before his job will no longer be justifiable. –That is of course provided the whole company does not go up in flames before then.

That sucks eh?

But Wait! There’s More!

The clients respect the Haggises boss, and when the news gets out that he’s gone and they will have to deal with the Moron Crack Heads ….Well…

You remember that up in flames comment ….

So this Haggis is looking over his resume.

Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck.



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