Sunday, January 21, 2007

So here’s the scoop......So Far.

I went to an information session at Sutherland Chan the other night. They, of course, have a very rosy picture of job prospects for people graduating from their program. I will go have a look at some other schools, and I will talk to some people in the field before I come to any conclusions.

The store that I am working at is going to close for renovations. In the mean time they are not hiring any more staff and we are horribly short staffed. Good for me, as I am getting more hours, Bad for me as I am exhausted all the time from getting up at “Oh God” thirty in the morning on less than four hours of sleep.

Next Monday will be our last day, and the store that I am being transferred to opens at 8am. I am looking forward to at least three months of decent sleep.

I don’t know what is going to happen next. I might go to school; I might try to get a mindless but well paying government job. I might take up high steaks poker and bank robbing.

Well….maybe not.

I don’t believe in resolutions and this is late for them but I think I will make some any way.

1. Have at least four information interviews with Registered Massage Therapists over the next month.
2. Visit 2 more RMT schools by the end of February.
3. Audit classes from the top two Schools by March 15th.
4. Get my self re-certified for CPR by September
5. Starting Feb 1st get off my growing ass and get to the gym at least three times a week (preferably four) – and if I cant do four then got on the bike thingy at home for at least one hour.

Igal and I have decided that we will not be having a tenth anniversary party. We just don’t have the money to do it the way we want to, and conveniently, Igals parents have offered us some time at one of there “time share” resorts in Halliburton. We will spend a week out in the wilds of Halliburton snowshoeing, cross country skiing and playing strip poker in front of a fire place.

I can hardly wait.



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