Monday, December 17, 2007

Global warming? HA!

Last night and all day yesterday we got a royal dumping of snow.

I managed to make it to work with out too much trouble and me and my co worker watched in rapt horror as the city ground to a halt around us. I got off work at 11:45 and headed home. I had no idea what a long haul I was in for.

I waited at the streetcar stop at Dundas and Spadina for a good 20 min. In the distance (through the shifting sheets of snow) I could see a streetcar at King Street. It never moved. (for all I know it might still be there) I watched, bemused as cars got stuck in the middle if this major intersection and a cop car making a "u" turn nearly spun out. Finally I gave up on the concept of the street car and hiked up to College. I decided that my best course of action would be to take a taxi. -And I NEVER take taxi's, but clearly the streetcars were not going to get me where I was going. I waited and College and Spadina for the longest time, realizing that not only were the streetcars not running here but that every Taxi that passed my by already had passengers.

I stood on that corner with a growing feeling of unease that was rapidly beginning to spiral into a flat out panic. It took me a moment to realize what it was that had me so freaked out.

It was the silence.

I have never stood on that corner, even at 2 in the morning and had my ears ringing with the snow muffled silence that I was experiencing at 12 noon on this Christmas shopping Sunday.

After shaking off my self inflicted heebe-geebes I decided to keep walking and head up to Bloor. I was half expecting to find the subways stalled but finally I found a functioning form of transportation. When I finally got to my street I found my neighbors digging themselves and each other out. I passed by some young men digging out the little old lady down the road form me who had a mild heart attack this fall. One neighbor with a snow blower Had cleared a path from around the closed corner store.

What normally was a 45 minute journey had taken me two hours.

Have you dug out yet?



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