Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Veronica Lxxxxxx RMT.

Looks kinda nice doesn’t it?
Know what looks better?

Veronica Lxxxxxx BSc. RMT.

If I go to Kikkawa College to get my RMT (and I graduate) Athabasca University will count my 2 year diploma at Kikkawa as 60 credits towards a 120 credit post diploma BSc in Human Sciences.

They might also count some of the two years of HELL York University towards my BSc.

The catch?

I would need to take between 15 and 20 three credit courses to get the BSc. – each course costs $660.00 +


The other catch?

I spoke with a rep at the university they suggest that 3 (Six month) courses at once should be considered “full time”. That means if I took my 2 year Kikkawa RMT course and then did 2 courses time it would take me as much as 5 years to get my BSc.

I would be 47.

The other – other catch?

I would have to take *GASP* a MATH course!!!!!!!!




Blogger Cookie The Viking said...

Never mind it will take until you're 47. Will you regret not doing it when you're 50? If not, free and easy, do what you want now. If so, aim hard for what you'll want then...
Cold meds make me sound like Capt. Conundrum (sp). Anywho, there's likely to be math for non-mathy courses, or enough prep science at Kikawa to see you through. Mebe?

7:46 PM  

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