Monday, August 22, 2011

Rest In Peace Jack

This morning at 4:45 am the leader of the NDP Jack Layton, died of cancer.

Mr Layton announced in a press conference on July 25th that he was battling another cancer. Less than 30 days later he is dead.

I wasn't always a fan of Mr Layton, but he seemed like a man of honor who clearly cared deeply for his country.

Layton's death, as sudden and sad as it is, has made me look at the world around me, my friends and loved ones in a sharp clear light. Its reminded me that life is short, and any day one of us may be taken. It is a reflection of the situation that I am witnessing with the Haggis's uncle - he will be gone sooner than later. There are loved ones whom we have not seen in far too long...

I wish there was a way I could express to some of these people in my life (with out sounding horribly melodramatic) that life is too short, that any day one of us could be lost and that we should treasure time together.

It seems that Mr Layton's final words written to Canada are terribly appropriate..

"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world."

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