Tuesday, March 29, 2005


The fundraiser was a grand success. The Music was great, the whole thing went off with out a hitch. The sound was out standing. We had over nine thousand dollars in Mrs K’s account as of this Thursday. I am really pleased, and I have more cheques add to the whole thing. I very nearly cracked when I handed over a cheque to J for $900.00 for Trinity.

We had a team meeting on Thursday and the care team talked about there concerns about Mrs. K. She is in hospital now and on a respirator. According to J the Trinity client services coordinator, Mrs K will not be able to come home. She requires too much care that her husband R simply cannot manage, nor can he afford to provide her with the care she needs at home.

I think all of us at the meeting were coming to terms with the fact that death is that much closer. Who knows how far it is now. Mrs K could live for years, she could succumb to an infection tomorrow. It’s hard to say.

I spoke at the team meeting about a need I have had to talk to Mrs K. to give her permission to let go. I don’t know how that will be received. Roben said that she was the one who had to have this talk with Mrs K, because Mrs K has told her that she wanted to talk one day to Roben about death.

I hope Roben does talk to her.


Sunday, March 06, 2005

When will the fat lady sing?

Every one in my office knows that there are significant layoffs coming. I am fairly sure that I will be laid off and that’s fine with me. I would really rather not be a part of this company with the changes that are coming – it’s not going to be a pleasant environment. How ever something has been leaked in the past week that has me very worried. Apparently the company is out of money. Hard ware has not been bought because there is no cash, retailers are not getting cheques and one of the bosses got a call from one of our IP companies and was told that they were shutting us down because we haven’t paid them in 90 days.

So it is possible I will get a pink slip on Monday, and it is possible that when I go to the bank with my severance cheque it will bounce.

How Charming.