Friday, January 15, 2010

Surgery - The Aftermath

Fibroid surgery part two seems to have gone well. As with the last time I came out of this surgery I came too with no nausea and very little pain. The Gyno is cautiously optimistic that this might be the ticket. I'm just glad that I'm at the other end of the surgery with so little in the way of side effects.

Now I just have to wait and see.


Friday, January 01, 2010

2009, Dont let the door hit you on the way out.

The beginning of 2009 saw me In the most stressfull place I have been in many years, school, exams, and looking down the barrel of surgery. Its been a year full of highs and lows.

Graduation was a definite high. Passing Bord exams, high again. Though the stress that those exams gave me, not so high.

Becoming employed. Total high. Finding out that most of my employers really didn't have enough business to keep me busy. Total low.

Surgery. Seeing that the surgery was mostly successful, high again. Finding out six months later that it had failed, again with the low. Finding out that we have to do the surgery again? and knowing that there is no guarantee that it will work? Meh.

Good friends leaving the Provence.So fucking low. The fact that they are so happy in there new digs? mightily high.

There are unresolved issues and stresses heading in to 2010 that make the whole concept of the "clean slate" rather null and void, but there are also interesting exciting things around the corner too. The Manual Lymphatic Drainage that I am taking. That, once completed will allow me to help (among others)women who are suffering from post-mastectomy lymph edema. The fact that (finally) I seem to be loosing weight.

So I'm not sad to let 2009 go and I am looking forward to 2010.

How 'bout you?
