Friday, February 29, 2008

Cold Enough For Ya?

My School seems to have a problem with heating. They appear to be even more stingy with there heat than I am with my heat at home. (In the winter my house is frequently only heated to 19 or 20 c. - I'm cheep - so sue me.) but I swear that my school is colder. I am fine running around the house with a sweater. At school I've sat huddled with my classmates under sweaters blankets and hats.

It's a cold room.

Yesterday was perhaps one of the coldest days in the year, and in our treatments class we got to do - Get this - ICE MASSAGE.

And yes that is exactly what it sounds like. - take a little block of Ice and rub someone down with it.

Today in my hydro class I get to look forward to a discussion and practicum on - Yup you guesses it - the effects of cold on the body.

Oh Joy.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A text message conversation:

Me: I want to go home.

Haggis: What's up?

Me: Irritating class mates.

Haggis: Are the yappers at it again?

Me: Yup.

Haggis: Wankers.

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