Thursday, January 31, 2008

Weird Shit

On Tuesday I was doing the "Pre-close" shift at work. I was the person who got to do most of the "grunt work" of the clean up before the end of day at the store. Among the mopping and restocking part of my evenings duties was to empty out all the garbages.

When I got to the garbages in the bathrooms I was in for a bit of a surprise. At the bottom of one if the clear garbage bags there were three used syringes.

Fortunately for me, the drug addict who was shooting up in our bathroom was a responsible drug addict and put the caps back on the needles after using them.


We used to have a "Sharps" container it the store for just such an occasion.

Clearly this has happened before, because when I went looking for it, it was gone.


I wound up putting the needles in a clear drink cup, writing a long note to the manager and the staff about safe disposal of such things.

I have a feeling that the manager might be a tad miffed with me. She has a tendency of keeping things from the staff that she thinks might "frighten" them.


My other bit of weirdness was finding out through email today that one more of the girls at school has dropped out.

"S" is a great student, She is pulling in 90's in most of her classes. She has officially dropped out of school to move with her boyfriend out to BC. She sounds excited about the move, and it sounds like there going to have a good time out there. I am sad that she is leaving, she's been a good friend and allot of fun at school and I'm going to miss her allot.


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Monday, January 28, 2008

Observations made at 6:30 am on a Sunday morning on the way to work

I have a love/hate relationship with morning shifts. I really love getting off work at 11:45 am. But I hate getting up at 6:00 am, particularly at this time of the year when it is still dark as I am heading out. My cats look up at me from there warm spots on the bed, blink blearily and go back too sleep.

If the cats are too lazy to get up and beg for food, then it must be entirely too early to get up.

I think there is a cat living under the Yew bush in front of my front window. On Sunday morning as I staggered off to the bus stop I noticed a little trail of kitty foot prints leading in and out of the Yew bush. Poor Kitty. Must be cold.

A very light sprinkling of snow had fallen overnight and the fluffy new snow sparkled under the street lights. It made me smile despite lack of sleep.

When I got to work I realized I had put on two different socks. I don’t think I have ever done that before.

I hate mornings


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

And then there were 14 ........and then there were 20?

Seems that allot of people in my class had at best a "strange" and at worst "traumatic" holiday. Illness, family insanity, -you name it. and just to make things more interesting we found out this morning that one of our class mates dropped out over the holidays.

We are down to 14 students.

We have also found out that the fast-track class that started on Monday will be merging with our class in September. I was particularly unimpressed to find out about this as I came to this school very specifically for the small class sizes. I remember when I was interviewing (Someone -I don't remember who) about the school, I very specifically asked about the merging of classes. She assured me that this would "absolutely not happen"


I asked to speak to someone about this in the morning and I was told that if the class sizes are right this always happens Even if I could remember who I spoke to, it would be my word against theirs. I scoured the school policy book but there is no mention of merging classes.

I am S.O.L.

On a slightly better note, I found out today that the fast track class is only 6 students, so even with them added to our class that will only make 20. Well below the class size limit of 24 students.

I am less pissed than I was when I found out about this, but still, not entirely impressed.

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Sunday, January 06, 2008

40 - So what now?

I don't, as a rule, make new years resolutions. This year is a year nor some significance, (given that I have just hit the big Four-Oh) and I may make some exceptions.

This was supposed to be the year that I ran a marathon.


The combination of working for Starshmucks and now going to school has killed any time I've had for running and I have paid dearly for that in the form of an ever expanding ass. The added weight has gotten to the point that I think my knees would give way if I tried to run right now.

I have to lose weight.

And thats not in the New Years-resolution-that-I'm-going-to-ignore-any-way kind of way....

I am heavier than I have ever been and I an concerned for my health. After all it is not unheard of for people my age to keel over and die of a heart-attack.

So I don't have a plan of attack for this weight-loss thing other than I really need to do some exercise and avoid the snack machine at school and the skanky coffee time across the street.

I need to do well in school. I have been doing that so I am not to worried about that goal.

And aside from that my goals are all kind of spiritual/metaphysical

When I was a good little Pagan I had a teacher who was not exceptionally talented . The one useful thing she said to me was "Do not attribute to malice what can much more readily be explained by ignorance." (sorry Pete I gave you that one - not the other way around)

-I need to take that bit of advice more often. I will be much happier with the world for doing that.

I need to forgive more readily and let go of anger. Because really, the people who piss me off are really not worth the effort.

And (particularly for the next two years) I need to bone up on my Spanish.

Thats plenty.
Wish me luck.

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