Sunday, September 28, 2008

Don't eat at "Lion on the Beach" 'Kay?

This afternoon The haggis and I puttered around down town and eventually found ourselves at the beaches. We decided to have a snack and popped in the pub, "lion on the beach"

We ordered some wine and a artichoke dip that came with nacho chips. All good? right? Unfortunately it wasn't until we got close to the bottom of the chips, that we realized that there was something wrong. There was bits of lettuce, cheese, and chips that had been dribbled with salsa. In other words, we got recycled chips.

How very nasty.

We had a word with the waitress and the chip thingy was removed from the bill. Despite the customer service effort we will not be going there again.



Friday, September 26, 2008

The End.. and The Beginning

The days of china town Starbucks are numbered. On October 10th our store will close down once and for all.

That would seem like a sucky thing, but not 20 minutes after I got the phone call from my manager telling me that the store was closing, I got another phone call from my Chiropractor buddy.

Chris wants me to work in his office helping him with filing, paper work, and helping him to set up a web site. Eventually he is plannng on expanding his practice and is is likely that by the time I get my license I will have a place to practice.

I cant quite believe how serendipitous this is. Every job I have ever had (with the excepting of the starbucks job) I have had to fight for.

It seems that this whole massage thing might really be my path.

I really cant explain every thing falling into my lap like this. I almost feel like ducking, because my luck is generally so bad that I almost feel like I should be waiting for the karmic backlash of having so much good luck.

I really need to shake this feeling.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Yup, that's me.

I called the cops on Sunday from work and told them about the illegal night club/booze can across the road from the store.

The thing that prompted this was the very out of control young girl (Early 20's) across the street, who seemed at times to be doing something in between, mime, weird interpretive dance and convulsions. At one point she attempted to put her purse on like a shoe.

The cops caught up to the girl and questioned her, turns out she was at another illegal booze can just down the road.

How charming.
