Monday, October 17, 2005

A busy weekend.

Friday at the Toronto Marathon Expo

On Friday I volunteered at the Toronto Marathon giving out the corporate relay packages. Working with me was the Melissa, a self employed mortgage broker and Karen, who was also a team Captain for the Toronto Marathon Bicycle Marshals. Karen convinced me to join the bicycle marshal team. –But more about that later.

It was a very cool way to spend my day. I was doing something useful, and I got to do a little networking.

At the expo, working at the “Running Room” booth was George, a guy I met at the “job finding club” I joined back in may. George was someone I would have voted “most likely to find a job faster than all of us” He was incredibly qualified, he presented himself very well, he was very proactive and yet, he has not found work in his field. It made me feel a little better about my own job plight. Here is this man who is doing all the right things, who has all the right qualifications and has had to resort to working retail to make ends meet.

Well if I don’t want to work at star bucks I can always sign up to work at the running room.

Saturday Tea and comfort for Lana.

Very early on Saturday morning My sister in-law’s boyfriend found there Cat “Tom” dead in the ally next to there apartment. It was distressing enough to find her seemingly perfectly healthy two year old cat dead. But even more distressing was the fact that there nasty next door neighbour had made threatening comments about doing harm to the cats.

An examination by the vet showed that the cat had died as a result of some strange and rare growths on his lungs. A relief that Lana’s neighbour is not a cat killer, but still upsetting to Lana and her boyfriend that their furry little child is gone.

Igal and I went over to comfort Lana and Daniel about the loss of Tom.

Sunday Bicycle Marshalling and Poker night at Luba’s

Sunday morning I got up at Oh-God!-thirty in the morning to go meet my team captain and Bicycle team at Young and Eglinton. We were given emergency phone numbers to call, Motrin to hand out to runners who were in pain and Mylar blankets for runners who had dropped out and were cold. My area was from young and Lawrence to St clair and Spadina along the Marathon route.

Our job was to assist runners in distress, give encouragement answer questions and help the cops along the rout direct traffic. Me and another bicyclist had a grand time yelling at drivers who had some how wandered on to the course. “GET OFF THE COURSE!!!!!”

I am not particularly good at chatting up strangers so yelling encouragement to strangers felt a bit odd, but I found that if I could catch the eye of someone who was struggling and they saw my smile the would grin right back and perk up. And I was smiling – all freaking day. So much so that by the end of the day my teeth were cold and my cheeks hurt.

After dropping off my kit at Queens park, lunch, shower, and well deserved nap happened before heading out to Igals cousin, Luba’s house. Lana her boyfriend Daniel, Luba, Serge, Luba’s daughters, and the boyfriends all sat around the table to have a great dinner and afterwards a loud game of poker. It was wonderful. It felt like family should, and we promised that we would do it more often.

I’m looking forward to it.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Team Luba Runs Again!

This years “Run for the Cure” came together at the last minute. Up until Saturday I was not completely certain I was going to run. I have been nursing a bit of a head cold and this week the whole diet and exercise thing whent right out the window. Yesterday was a particularly awful eating day. I had a hot dog and chocolate cake for lunch, and when we went to Ross and Roben’s place I was not at all hungry for the healthy spread that they put on. (But of course accepted the ice cream sandwich that they offered for dessert). And (of course!) was hungry once we got to the movie theatre were the only option was more junk food.


But this morning I ate deacently both before and after the race.

We met up with Luba her father Igor, Luba’s daughter Anna, and Anna’s boyfriend Steve. I didn’t know so many people would be coming or I would have tried to organize a team this year. I feel bad because Roben did not come out to walk this year because she did not have any one to walk with. Shit. If I had known that we would have so many walkers I would have told her to come out.

Next year I’ll have my shit together Roben, Honest!

I managed to run the whole course non stop and did it in (what was for me) a blazing time of 35min and 35 seconds. I am so pleased.

Igal managed to zoom under the finish line in 25 min and change. Awesome!!!

I love doing this run every year. It’s not just the race, the atmosphere is a carnival. I saw a few women dressed with sparkly bra’s on the out side of there run t shirts, an entire team with dyed pink hair, pink feather boas galore, doggies wearing pink bandanas around there necks and everywhere people with little signs safety pined to them saying “I’m running for…” and the name of a loved one hand written on the sign.

I’m running for My sister
I’m running for Grammy
I’m running for Me!
I’m running for my Mommy who’s in heaven.

Dear god, that last one really got me.

I ran for Luba and in memory of Menya.

I can’t believe I managed to do it without stopping. I found Igal after the race and gave him a huge hug and cried like a baby. Gods I’m such a wuss. Imagine how much I’m going to bawl when I manage to run my first non stop 10k.

I’m Looking forward to it.

Notes to self for next year:
Organize “registration party” for August.
Have post race bagels and cream cheese brunch party at our house.

Missing Maurice

I don’t know why but I have been thinking all day about my friend Maurice who died some years ago of ALS. Maurice was a wonderful man in so many ways and I have no idea why the powers that be saw fit to take him from us. For some reason I am missing him with a raw gripping agony that more than once today had me holding my hand over my heart in near physical pain.

There are people out there who are healthy, happy, and who seem to want to inflict pain and nastiness on others, and my friend who did not have a mean bone is his body is gone.

Perhaps I can channel my inner grief into a good run tomorrow. I will certainly try.

I really miss you Maurice.