Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dear body,

Enough already.

We are going in for surgery in less than a month and a half. You really don't need to emphasize how necessary that surgery is.


One period was enough this month, thank you.

Cut it out. NOW.

No love,


Thursday, December 11, 2008

I dont like exams

Our school has a councilor to help the students with issues from housing, financing, and just being an ear when they are having a hard time.

Today I got up in the beginning of my afternoon class and sat down in her office and cried for a good two hours.

Nothing terribly traumatic is happening right now.

Melanie (the councilor) assured me that I am perfectly normal, that in fact I am the third person who has done exactly the same thing this week alone.

Among the things I sobbed at Melanie was that I shouldn't be this stressed, there really isn't that much going on, I'm doing well in classes so I shouldn't be stressed out. I'm fucking 40 years old and I should have my shit together. The more we talked about just what is going on in my life the more I realized that perhaps I am not quite as nuts as I thought I was when I walked in to her office.

There is allot going on in my life.
And most of it is stuff that the kids in my class will have no understanding or experience with.

This is not really the place for me to complain about my life, I just ask if I seem a little stressed or weird, understand that there are a few things going on right now.

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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Is it just me?

Or have people in general turned in to assholes?
I don't know if I'm in a crabby mood because I have no hot water, or because the general world had turned in to a bunch of fuck-tards.

Case in point this morning on the bus on the way to school. A surly looking young man got on to the back of the bus, pulled out his cell phone and proceeded to the built-in music player like some sort of microscopic boom-box. The thing has got itty bitty little useless speakers, so not only do I get bombarded with his god-awful Rap-Crap music, but I get bombarded with God-awful Rap-Crap with shitty sound.

This is not the first time I have experienced this.

Other public offenses that have irritated my of late?

Sniffers. -You know these people. they have a cold but cant be bothered to a bring Kleenex with them, the only thing worse than these people are the snorkers. They have the same problem, but they manage to make disgusting noises as they snork there mucus to the back of there throat's and swallow it.


People who sneeze and cough in public and make no effort to cover there noses or mouths.

Oh there is so much more to this but I have to go to class now.


Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Water Heater Blues

Monday morning we woke up to a dead water heater.

The water coming out of the taps was ice cold. Not much fun for even a short sponge bath. We are renting the water heater from the gas company, so we called them to fix it. They told us they could not be here until the evening between 3:00 pm and 11:00 pm. They showed up at 7pm and said that they would be back the next morning, We were told that the replacing the heater would cost about $300.00. Not great but it would do. Then the time changed to 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

When I got home I got a phone call from the contractor who told us that the original estimate was "a bit off" and quoted us $1100.00.

Er... Hello?

The Hagis called another contractor and we have gotten a much more reasonable quote that included a new tank, (not rented from the gas company).

Unfortunately, it looks like our contractor might take even more time than the gas company contractor.

In mean time The hagis and I had not had a shower since Sunday.


The hagis and I, piled our smelly selves in to the car and went to our gym to have a hot shower. I can deal with just about any part of roughing it but being dirty is just plain gross. I feel like so much more of a human being right now that I am clean.

I find it kind of amusing how much something that I take for granted like hot water is so essential to my basic comfort.

Kinda makes me feel like a bit of a wuss.
