Sunday, March 21, 2010

Wychwood Barns Farmers Market

I had a day off on Saturday and the Haggis and I went to the Wychwood Barns Farmers Market.

We have been trying for some time now to eat more healthy food and we have payed attention to were our food comes from. There is a trend towards being a "locovore" that is, eating food that is native to your area instead of food shipped from far away. The concept has merit. It is more environmentally friendly as a tomato grown in Ontario will make less of carbon footprint than one that was shipped from Mexico. Also food that has less travel time does not need to picked unripe and will loose less nutrition in the travel time.

Local farmers markets have been springing up all over the place, and with food like this, is it any wonder that they are so popular?

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Friday, March 19, 2010

A Few Things

Its been a while since I have last posted. So I have a bit of catching up to do.

First: Lisa (AKA hominysnark) has had her operation and doing much better. Thank you very much. She is still hugely in the hole financially so if you feel like donating please head on over HERE or buy some cool stuff HERE.

Second: I have given up on the position at the chiropractors office. Its been too slow and I have wasted too much time there.
I agonized over the decision to leave. My boss there was a really nice guy, and I really didn't want to let him down, But a fellow RMT friend of mine put it into perspective. I was whining to her about how agonized I was over leaving, how I didn't want to hurt my bosses feelings, and so on.

She looked at me and said: "Veronica you sound like your breaking up with a boy friend!"

She was right. I gave notice within the week.

Third: I finished the second part of my Manual Lymph drainage course. It was hard as hell. I am going to have some work to do to get ready for the next one.

Fourth: I am in the midst of the yearly "COLD FROM HELL" TM. I am in week three of a hack and cough festival. I am really, really looking forward to this being over.

Last: Part three of the Manual lymph Drainage course will be in May. I'm looking forward to it.

More later
