Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Three rather cool days

Saturday: Pig and Party

Started with a visit to the very cool St.Larwrance Market to order our Piggy for the pig roast this coming Saturday. I placed my piggy order at the north market at a booth that has whole pigs hanging in a cooler. I was amused to over hear a woman mutter “eeew poor Piggies!”, as she walked by. I was tempted to ask her where she thought bacon came from, but (barely) restrained my self.

Igal and I continued our shopping and picked up some goodies for a lovely dinner befor heading out to Robens house for Robens goodbye party for her friend and co worker H. H has had quite enough of Ontario, Ontario’s winters Ontario’s lack of mountains and her boss. She is packing up and heading out for the west coast. I don’t know H all that well but I can’t help but feel a bit sad at her going. She seems like a very nice and sane person. Goodness knows those are few and far between these days. Got to see the long lost MC at the party. He is preparing for his Iron Man triathlon in Hawaii in October and is eagerly looking forward to the trip. We talked shop for a bit and he may have a bike that might work for me – but most likely will be too big. I was hoping for some advice on fuel for long runs, but MC consumes a bunch of stuff on his runs that would probably either make me throw up (Coke) or give me heart palpitations (Red Bull).

Sunday: Terry Fox Run and Pesto madness

We were supposed to get up very early to go pick up Roben at her house at 7 am. As it was we got up at 7 am. –Forgot to set the alarm- and scrambled around to get our stuff together call Roben and get a move on. We managed to get to the Run site at a reasonable time. My parents were there to witness my first 10k effort and take a few photos.

The run site was remarkably well organized. The registration was lightning fast, there were plenty of porta potties, there was lots of food and the course was clearly marked and well supplied with water and juice.

I was pleased on so many levels about this run. I knew I could do 10K in an hour and 30 min. and managed to beat that and squeak under my “whisper goal” of an hour and 20 min. 1:19:58. Igal chose to run with me rather than running his own race. I’m sure he could have done the race in 55 minutes or so, but there will be other opportunities for him to shine, this wont be my last 10K

Time goals aside it was very cool that my first 10K was the Terry fox run. I was thirteen when Terry Fox began his marathon of hope and I was blown away then by what he accomplished and a year or so later when He died I was devastated. Terry Fox was one of Canada’s last true hero’s

I hemmed and hawed a lot about doing this run and Roben prodded me to just do it. She reminded me that running was not about weather or not I made a time goal it was about getting off my ass. She also pointed out that this was the 25th anniversary of the Terry fox run and that I really should be a part of that. I am really glad that I was. I was amazed to discover that there are hundreds of Terry Fox runs in Cuba alone. Thousands across the world. I would be a very cool exercise to try to run a Terry Fox run in a different country every year. I have been bitten by the Terry fox run bug. Ill be back.

About a 1K or so from the finish line Roben caught up to us, and wearing her Birkenstock sandals and carrying a travel mug of coffee was inspired to jog along with us for a bit. It makes me grin now thinking of it. That was a good example of the mood of the run. There was joy in the air, a feeling of all round accomplishment, a celebration.

After the run we partook of some of the food that was available and I got an opportunity to buy some nifty swag. – A very nice 25th anniversary Terry Fox zip up sweater. We bid adieu to my parents and headed out for breakfast in the beaches at Kara’s, a brief round of lawn sale perusing and a cider stop and cat visit at Roben’s house.

Igal and I went home and had a much deserved nap and then after equally deserved showers proceeded to harvest the massive basil plants in the garden and started a pesto factory in the kitchen. –Several hours later we have enough pesto to last us a year. I suspect that Igals hands may still smell like garlic.

Monday: Hospice Toronto Donor Appreciation Party

I received an invitation a few weeks ago to the “Donor Appreciation” event for Hospice Toronto, Roben and I were sent invitations because of the money we raised from Mrs K’s fundraiser.

The event was held in one of the CIBC towers in the top (56th) floor. The floor to ceiling windows afforded one of the most spectacular views of the city that I have every seen. There was an open bar, wonderful food and some very cool people. One of the presenters for the evening was a woman L who is has been wheelchair bound for most of her life due to debilitating arthritis. Despite her own problems she has been taking care of her own mother who is dieing of a debilitating disease that also causes dementia. L’s speech was heart rending. Wrenching really, and as she spoke I looked around the room to see many people daubing at there eyes.

After the presentations I managed to muster up the courage to schmooze the crowd a bit, I spoke the (outgoing) chair of the board and talked to him about organizing a relay run for next years Toronto Marathon, he said he could manage a 5k run and suggested I speak to another board member who also ran, He also seemed interested in the plan.

I don’t know what will come of this, but it was a nice opportunity to not only get a ball rolling for a potential fundraiser for Hospice Toronto, but a chance for me to schmooze and let a few more people know that I am looking for work and what kind of work I am looking for.

Its been a good few days.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Say what you mean and mean what you say

There are ways in which we hurt our fellow human beings with out even being aware that we are doing them. A casual yet cutting remark, a failure to acknowledge or engage someone, The tiredness in our voices due to our own personal battles… I wonder how often peoples feelings get mashed and difficulties develop because we did not communicate fully.

I bet its quite often.

Friday, September 09, 2005

JVM 1921-2005

Yesterday I attended the funeral of my husband’s boss’s father JVM. I was not expecting to be terribly moved by this funeral. After all I have never met the man, and have only his Son, J as reference. And J I only see once or twice a year at company picnics and Christmas parties.

I found my self very moved by this funereal. It was conducted at St Paul’s church on Boor close to Jarvis. The minister, (A woman) handled the service in a gentle, well spoken way that put to shame some of her heavy handed brethren who’s rituals I have had the displeasure of attending.

She spoke of faith, and how faith comes in many forms these days. How for some there faith is a deeply private thing that is not spoke of aloud. How some, keep quiet, because in today’s secular society they feel they may be ridiculed for there belief. How some have doubts because they look upon a church that is fallible and has made so many mistakes.

The last Christian Funeral I attended the minister’s message was about blind faith. “have faith in God and the church and all will be well” It was offensive. This minister spoke of questioning ones faith. Of examining the truth of your faith and coming to your own choices. It felt like she was speaking to me.

J, His brother and Sister delivered the eulogy for there father. J’s was the most poignant. I cant remember what he said in the beginning but his closing will be with me for the rest of my life. He said. “as a child I always knew that I was Loved.” (and here J’s voice cracked and I started to cry) “I went to bed at night feeling safe and secure, because I knew that I was loved and cherished and that any evil that may have come my way my father would protect me from.”


How many friends and family members do I know who’s lives would be so much less fucked up if they knew that simple thing with the same conviction that J new it.

So if you have a chance today raise a glass as Igal and I did yesterday in the “Pour House” on the way home from the funeral. Raise that glass high and toast JVM. A rare and special man.

He was a damn fine father.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Wipe Out!

The plan: A Two Hour “Gentle” workout that would keep my heart rate between 120 -147 BPM.

The solution: a long bike ride with little or no hills from my house. Along the “belt line trail” though Mt Pleasant cemetery, to Serena Gundy Park and back.

It was a great plan and the ride out was fine and uneventful though I had a hard time keeping my heart rate up. –The beltline trail slopes very slightly downhill from the Allen Expressway to Mount Pleasant Cemetery. I found my self going VERY fast in order to keep the heart rate in my chosen training zone. When I got to the opposite side of Mt Pleasant Cemetery I realised that Serena Gundy Park might be a bit of a stretch so I rode around that neighbourhood for a bit and headed back.

Where the beltline Trail ends (or starts depending on how you look at it) at Mt Pleasant cemetery there are a few bike racks. When I got back there I was “ahead” of schedule so I locked up the bike and ran for about a mile. –And there that whole heart rate training plan went right out the window, as when I run my heart rate tends to skyrocket unless I really shuffle along at a snails pace. –And today apparently was not for the snails. I got back to my bike after my 1 mile jaunt and continued up the beltline. Ahead of me on the trail was a teenaged girl walking down the middle of the path. I rang my bell and for some reason decided that she was going to move left and committed myself to passing her on the right. She moved right. I jammed on my brakes, the bike dug its front tire in to the loose gravel and I flew spectacularly ass-over-tea-kettle over the bike to land facing the direction that I had come from. The poor teenager apologised profusely and I feel badly, as I don’t think I made it sufficiently clear that the whole ass-over-tea-kettle thing was not her fault.

The Result:
1 Bruised Ego
1 Left Elbow and Left shoulder that look like I have been exfoliating with a cheese grater (Holy crap did the shower sting when I got home!)
1 Slightly wrenched left wrist
1 Soon to be spectacular palm sized bruise on my right leg.

I think today I will stick to the nice safe treadmill…..