Thursday, September 07, 2006

Um… Yeah

Truly, I just don’t get it.

I took a total slacker attitude to this interview. I gave them a sloppy resume. (Found two mistakes in it this morning) Really truly did not give a shit.

They want me.

And that’s good. It is good that I will be able to make some sort of a contribution to the house hold expenses. It’s good that we will not be forced to sell the house. It’s good that we can keep the cats in Kitty litter.


I know the reasons why finding a job in the field I want to find a job in is so hard. I know that the competition is tough; I know I don’t have 5+ years office admin experience. I know the pay and the hours and the environment and the (feel good about what I am doing with my life) factor are all more attractive. I still can’t help but wish that landing where I want to land was not so frustratingly hard.

I am nonetheless very happy for Roben, who has; with typical ease, beat me to the “Non Profit” punch.

You Go Girl!

So forward I go, and perhaps with any luck My friend Timothy’s prediction will come true. I spoke to him last night about my progress and he came up with the comment. “It will be like adopting”


“When a couple frantically wants a baby, and they don’t have one, and then they adopt a kid, all of a sudden the pressure is off and BOOM, they get pregnant! It will be like that, now that the pressure is off all of a sudden offers will come in.”

I hope your right Timothy!


Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I have been trying to get a “real” job since… Fuck, I don’t even remember when..

Yesterday I spent less than 4 hours wandering around downtown filling out applications forms at Starbucks and other assorted retail outlets.

Today I have an interview at 4pm.


Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful that I can get something so that we don’t have to do anything drastic like sell the house, and I am not trying to speak poorly about the fine art of being a barista.

It’s just retail and me… Meh.

I wish that finding a job in volunteer management had been somewhere near this easy.

An afterthought: Watch me blow this interview with my all-too-apparent lack of interest. If I can manage to snag this job I should go back to the stage because I will deserve a fucking Oscar.


I think I need to take my frustrations out on a poor helpless little tread mill.
