Friday, June 17, 2011

TMI - Hopefully the end of a saga.

On Tuesday May 10th I went in to St, Michaels hospital and had a laparoscopic vaginal assisted hysterectomy. This was the accumulation of four plus years of symptoms, countless tests and two minor surgeries.

Today I am five weeks post surgury I find it hard to believe that less than two months ago I had a major surgery removing a fist-sized highly vascular organ from my body.

I didn’t really start getting nervous until they got me on the operating table. But My friend Aestus who is a surgical nurse at St Mikes scrubbed in to be with me as they knocked me out.

Aestus held one hand and my Dr held the other and the next thing I knew I was waking up in the recovery room. Having Aestus there was really the best thing I cold have asked for.

When I woke I was in pain but it wasn’t very bad and the nurse supervising me gave me a painkiller right away.

Eventually they wheeled me to a room and the Haggis and my parents came in. I could feel that I was starting to fall asleep so I sent them home. The nurse gave me OxyContin and I was pretty loopy pretty fast. I can’t say that it made me sleep well, in fact the sort of semi hallucinations that I was having really kept me up during the night. That and the catheter.

Some time during the night the catheter must have gotten a kink in the tube, I felt like my bladder was going to explode. I called a nurse and she found the problem. I don’t think I have ever been so relieved in my life. I was comfortable but still loopy for the rest of the night.

The one thing I found slightly disturbing was the obvious presence of babies on the floor. It wasn’t a problem for me, I’ve known since I was eleven years old that I didn’t want kids. I couldn’t help but think that there might have been a woman on that floor that had a hysterectomy who did not have the same feelings that I did. I’m sure that would have been a mightily rough night.

The next morning the nurse came and removed the catheter. She encouraged me to get up and move around and pee. I got up and got myself some ice chips, wandered around for a bit after an hour or so made my deposit.

The nurse was terribly impressed that I managed to pee before 9:00 am. She told me that most people waited till noon. I just wanted to go home! Within a few hours the Haggis was helping me pack up and head home.

I am amazed at how little pain I have been in. I never filled the prescription for oxycodone that my Dr prescribed, and I never had a need for more than an Ibuprofen to deal with the pain that I did have.

Two weeks ago I had my post op checkup and my Dr is very happy with my progress.

Now that I don’t have worry about anemia any more, I might actually manage to get back in to shape.
