Enough is enough already.
Shall I list the carnage that has been wrought upon my friends?
One heart attack.
One bowel disorder diagnosis.
Two massive abdominal infections.
Abdominal surgery to come.
-and all of the above is just one friend.
One gall bladder attack.
Two bowel obstructions.
Two bowel surgeries.
One horribly bitchy nurse.
More surgery to come.
-All of the above? another friend.
Two dead dogs.
One dead cat.
Two dieing mothers.
One mother diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
One batshit crazy mother.
One more major surgery.
And theres more! But I have been sworn to secrecy BECAUSE IT SUCKS SO MUCH!
Yeah. Really. ENOUGH.
I would like some happy for these people.
Perhaps a lottery win. I don`t know... something EPICALLY GOOD! Because this had been more than enough SUCK.
Enough is enough already.
Shall I list the carnage that has been wrought upon my friends?
One heart attack.
One bowel disorder diagnosis.
Two massive abdominal infections.
Abdominal surgery to come.
-and all of the above is just one friend.
One gall bladder attack.
Two bowel obstructions.
Two bowel surgeries.
One horribly bitchy nurse.
More surgery to come.
-All of the above? another friend.
Two dead dogs.
One dead cat.
Two dieing mothers.
One mother diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
One batshit crazy mother.
One more major surgery.
And theres more! But I have been sworn to secrecy BECAUSE IT SUCKS SO MUCH!
Yeah. Really. ENOUGH.
I would like some happy for these people.
Perhaps a lottery win. I don`t know... something EPICALLY GOOD! Because this had been more than enough SUCK.