Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I have heard the word, and the word is..


Yes the TMI saga continues.

I managed to get in to see my Gyno today. All the tests are done all the results are in. The diagnosis a fibroid that is presenting in the endometreal layer of the uterus and is therefor causing all of the crazy bleeding.

The complication is that the fibroid is close enough to the outer wall of the uterus that if she (the gyno) tries to get it all out they may puncture the uterus. She will have to cut out the bit of the fibroid that is in the endometreum, and cauterize the left over bit. She also said that because excessive bleeding has been my problem, to get the most "bang for (my) buck" she will cauterize the rest of the uterus. The result will be that my bleeding may cease all together.

I am not loving the concept of going under the knife, but I am relived that we finally have an answer about what the hell is going on, (and better yet) that it can be stopped.

So I have agreed to the procedure. I don't have a date yet, but it is looking to be somewhere in January. I told the Gyno I would like to get off of a hormonal method of birth control and asked if she could do a tubal ligation at the same time.

The Gyno winced and looked at me sheepishly. She works out of St Mikes hospital that is a "Catholic" hospital. She told me that because I have not had any children they will not give me a tubal ligation.

Holy middle ages Batman!

She said that she could refer me to another Hospital, but I really don't want to go through hassle of establishing a relationship with a doctor, going through testing and all that nonsense again. I do like this Doctor. Plus I just want to get this over with.


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Saturday, October 04, 2008

Good Bye! and thanks for all the coffee!

Today was my last day at Starbucks!

The store closes on October 10th and I was told by the Manager today that the District Managers are insisting that People are available to work at least 16 hours a week.

With school that is a big NO-CAN-DO.

So I said goodbye to all my caffeine-mates and emptied my locker.
That's it.

No more coffee freebees.
Ah well. On to bigger and better things.
