Wednesday, October 21, 2009

On Step Closer to the Big "H"

I went to have the sona histogram today, and as I expected, it looks like the big fibroid that caused me all the problems six months ago has grown. None of this is official yet as the test has not been analyzed by the Dr.s but the doctor that was helping with the test said it looked like its back.

I'll talk options with the Gyno, but my mind is quite made up about how this is all going to end.

Stay Tuned.

Friday, October 16, 2009

grusom morning

I think I can add "crime scene clean up" to my resume after this morning.

What the hell am I talking about?

This morning in front of my office there were red spatters all over the side walk.

I asked my boss what was up and he seemed to think it was some kind of Halloween prank. I recognized the red spatter for what it was.


Boss-man thought I was wrong. I told him that if it was real when we poured water on it the blood would start to lift and the yellow of the plasma would be partly visible. he dared me to pour water on it. so I did.

That's blood.

lots of it.

Boss-Man and I applied more buckets of hot soapy water to the side walk, and I scrubbed the sidewalk with a broom. The blood trail started behind the building at a broken window, in front if the office it looked like the bleeder paced back and forth for some time and then crossed the street, where they disappear, and I hope someone crawled into an ambulance.

Later in the afternoon the fire department came and cleaned up the blood that we didn't get to.


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Thursday, October 15, 2009

TMI - What? Again?

Six months ago I underwent a surgery (endometrial ablation) to slow down excessive menstrual bleeding. The operation worked, until last month.

Out of nowhere the insane bleeding started again. Ive had another ultrasound and seen the gynecologist and thus far the ultrasound appears normal. However the last time I when through this they couldn't get down to the root cause without another more invasive ultrasound. That is scheduled for next Wednesday.

I asked my Gyno what were our options if the fibroid has come back (I suspect that is what the problem is) She said we could re-do the surgery but my thought is that if the surgery didn't work the first time there is not guarantee that it will work this time either.

She also mentioned the big "H". Hysterectomy.

If we went with that option it would be done lapriscopicly, so the recovery time would be much better than an abdominal surgery.

Really it sounds like the best option to me. I stop bleeding, I don't have to be on a hormonal method of birth control, and , oh yeah I STOP BLEEDING!

So we'll see what happens with this next test.


Friday, October 02, 2009

Serendipity II

So the job that I interviewed for yesterday...I got it.

On the spot.

Ive had five phone calls since my interview from people who wanted to give me more interviews.

Gods when it rains it freaking pours!

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