I haven’t written in a long time I cant focus on one thing so here is a bunch of things.
Happy Belated Birthday to the Haggis, and congrats on the big Four – Oh !
Congratulations Yarn Harlot on your recent nuptials! I am glad you liked the Wedding gift.
Congratulations on your up coming nuptials Pete and Victoria! And thank you Victoria for inviting me to the Shower and the lovely Martinis and manicures party. Apologies that I had to run right afterwards, but … well the rest is on your answering machine.
Thank you, to Pete for understanding why I had to back out of being your Photographer.
Running has run in to the ground. My training has completely gone to pot and I have started pretty much from scratch this week. Ugh. The current running plan is as follows: 5K resolution run on Jan 1st
10K sporting life run in may
15K Bread and Honey run in June
21 K waterfront life half marathon in September.
Lets see if this happens.
Igals parents went home to Victoria about two weeks ago. This was by far the easiest visit that we have had with them. And bonus points to me for not landing in the hospital with chest pains brought on by stress. GO ME ! Igal and I even talked about going to Victoria and visiting.
Starbucks is good. Thus far they have been giving me early shifts and I like that. I am however incapable of going to bed before 11pm, which make 5am shifts most entertaining. Particularly because I have to take the “Blue Line” Buses (three of them) to get to work. Even with having my shower before I go to bed and laying out my clothing in the bathroom the night before my shift, I still have to roll out of bed at 3:40 am to make it to work by 5am. LOADS OF FUN! The most entertaining part of all of this is I can’t stand the coffee. *Snicker*
My Mother will be turning 60 in October. 60. Which is a perfectly reasonable age for my mother to be, seeing as I will be 39 this Christmas. Its just… in my head my mom is stuck at about 45. And despite the fact that my mothers idea of a “balanced meal” is having some milk with her bag of “Chips Ahoy” Cookies, She really does not look any where near 60.
My Mother turning 60 means that my Father will be 68 in March. WTF? I swear, he just was 50 last year….
Igal and I have been toying with the idea for a really big 10th anniversary bash. Lately we have been re-thinking that idea. (Mostly, it’s been me thinking out loud and Igal agreeing.) We have no money right now, because I have no real job. – It is four months till march and I am not holding my breath on the “real job” thing happening “real soon”. Do I really want to get even more in the hole financially than I already am? Perhaps we will have an 11th anniversary party. Perhaps we will just go to Cuba. Who knows?
On the real job front, I had a rather good interview with the Ontario Hospice Association. They wont be giving me that job however because it comes with a one hundred thousand dollar budget. I have never worked with a budget, never mind a hundred grand budget. It was, however a good experience and I am pleased with the way I handled my self, and hey…. I got an interview for a job with a hundred thousand dollar budget. How fucking cool is that?
I had a profoundly bizarre dream last night, in which my good friend Timothy was being harassed by an evil neighbour, but his wife and I would be fighting the evil neighbour with an army of Zombies… which we could produce at will with the help of a Vampire. And then things got weird.
Timothy turned in to a werewolf, and the only way to turn him back was to for me to shave sacred symbols in his back while he slept. (The Timothy-werewolf looked a lot like the Timothy-friend… only hairier)
What the fuck did I eat last night before going to bed?
The haggis is off at Pete’s Stag party. It sounds fun. There will be drinking and shooting and eating. I would have like to be there…but alas I am a girl, and not a stripper, so much to my chagrin I have not been invited.
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